# Search inside CO http://dev.cte3.communecter.org/co2/search/globalautocomplete runs through de co2 module > search controller > GlobalAutoCompleteAction action - $res = SearchNew::globalAutoComplete($searchP); - $results = self::querySearchAll($post, $fields); all query params are put together inside $searchParams ``` searchTypeOrga searchType options ranges startDateUTC onlyCount countType indexMin indexStep initType countResult searchType searchTypeOrga fields sortBy ``` self::getQueries builds the query, adds up all requested parameters needed for the search self::getResults applies the search queries and finds the data possible to convert the Results for a given context $results = Costum::sameFunction($convertMethodName, $results); ex : convertDataForProposals filters.js ex : home search page territoire ladd ajax view /co2/views/app/search.php #search-content ex : filter ou app territoire ``` name "reunion" locality "" searchType[] "cities" searchBy "ALL" indexMin "0" indexMax "30" costumSlug "ctenat" ``` ex : filter by domaine d'action http://dev.cte3.communecter.org/co2/search/globalautocomplete ``` searchType[] "projects" indexMin "0" initType "" count "true" countType[] "projects" indexStep "30" filters[category] "cteR" costumSlug "ctenat" ``` ex : cte admin search http://dev.cte3.communecter.org/co2/search/globalautocompleteadmin ``` name "tco" searchType[] "projects" indexMin "0" initType "" count "true" countType[] "projects" indexStep "30" filters[category] "cteR" private "true" costumSlug "ctenat" ``` # Admin Searching sur une page ou une view comme charge #content-view-admin construit dynamiquement la view : **/custom/default/newgroupAdmin** qui lance ``` filterAdmin = searchObj.init(paramsFilter); filterAdmin.search.init(filterAdmin); ``` /var/www/dev/modules/co2/views/admin/index.php qui charge /js/default/admin.js ## var adminPanel = { qui peut etre complété ou surchargé pour les costum $adminConstruct=$this->appConfig["adminPanel"]; adminPanel.init() ## var adminDirectory = { L'admin est faite de tableau de recherche drivé par des configurations title : titre de la page types : la ou les collection à chercher table : les champs à dessiner paramsFilter : les filtres disponible sur le tableaux ## adminPanel.views lists all possible views that can be opened in the navigation ## adminDirectory.values are functions to get the value of any field in the e (current document data map) json map ## adminDirectory.actions used in the actions dropdown ## adminDirectory.events are real posted requests send by potential actions ``` adminPanel.views.territory = function(){ var data={ title : "Gestion des Territoires", types : [ "projects" ], table : { ... }, paramsFilter : { container : "#filterContainer", defaults : { ... }, filters : { ... } } }; ```